Pitalito, Huila
Coffee grower
Jose Uribe Lassoscar
1780 m.a.s.l
在海拔1500公尺的安地斯山脈上,有片被UNESCO (聯合國教科文組織) 列為世界共同遺產的咖啡種植區,那片珍貴的土地,以1500公尺以上的海拔高度帶來適量的雨水及溫差,與酸性灰燼土帶有豐富的磷酸鹽及濃度適中的鉀、鈣、鎂,綜合如此優渥的條件,是克菈菈咖啡種植 Caturra 及其他哥倫比亞種咖啡的故鄉 。
受惠於當地的地理條件、氣候、土壤,及生物多樣性,農民依循著當地的自然資源及其獨特的地理環境創造出獨特的種植方式,培育出了富有繽紛香氣且甜感濃郁 的咖啡。加上Mejia Londoño家族堅持從種下咖啡樹苗的那一步開始,就依循高標準的種植守則及杯測準則,以每公頃8,000到10,000棵為基準,手工種植每株咖啡幼苗, 並謹慎地控制咖啡樹種植密度以確 保咖啡樹的健康,且堅持人工採收。

Yeast Anaerobic Natural
Bourbon Sidra
Description Process
It begins with an optimal ripe harvest with brix degrees between 24 and 26. Afterwards, a manual selection of the grain is carried out and oxidation is carried out in plastic tanks for 48 hours. In this process, the leachate that the mass throws is recirculated until the cycle is completed, measuring brix degrees and ph, continuing with a rafting (to separate empty grains and impurities) and with this lowering the temperature of the mass. A thermal shock is carried out at a temperature of 50°C and it is placed in sealed plastic bins to start the anaerobic fermentation. During anaerobic fermentation, yeast of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae strain type T58 is added, this being used to improve profiles in the brewing industry. The ratio used was 1:5, (1 gram x 5 kilos of cherry) in active dilution at 35°C, the solution is added to the cherry by spraying and left in the conditioning and multiplication stage for 80 hours.
Drying: The cherries are mechanically dried to dehydrate as much water as possible (approximately 12 hours) and then sun-dried (approximately 15 days).
Tasting note
Hibiscus, Osmanthus, Lychee, lemon, Fuji apple